IBM Scalable POWERparallel

Scalable POWERparallel or SP is an IBM supercomputer platform. The nodes are based on the RS/6000 with clustering software called PSSP which is mainly written in Perl. Some of the technologies developed include the High Performance Switch (HPS) for internode communication.




Model # of CPUs CPU CPU MHz Cache Memory Introduced Discontinued
SP1 1 POWER1++ 62.5 None 64 to 256 MB 1993-02-02 1994-12-16


Model # of CPUs CPU CPU MHz L2 Cache Memory Introduced Discontinued
Thin 1 1 POWER2 66  ? 64 to 512 MB 1995-08-22 1996-12-20
Thin 2  ?  ? 1997-06-27
Wide 1  ? 64 MB to 2 GB 1996-12-20
Wide 2 77  ?  ? 1997-06-27

PowerPC 604-based

Model # of CPUs CPU CPU MHz Cache Memory Introduced Discontinued
High 1 2, 4, 6, 8 PowerPC 604 112  ?  ? 1996-07-23 1998-01-08
High 2 PowerPC 604e 200  ?  ? 1997-08-26 1998-04-21
332 Thin 2, 4 332  ?  ? 1998-04-21 2000-12-29
332 Wide  ?  ?


Model # of CPUs CPU CPU MHz Cache Memory Introduced Discontinued
160 Thin 1 P2SC 160  ?  ? 1997-10-06 1998-04-21
Thin P2SC 120  ?  ? 1996-10-08
Wide P2SC 135  ?  ?


Model # of CPUs CPU CPU MHz L2 Cache Memory Introduced Discontinued
POWER3 High 2, 4, 6, 8 POWER3 222  ?  ? 1999-09-13 2000-12-29
POWER3 High POWER3-II 375  ?  ? 2000-07-18 2002-12-27
POWER3 Thin 1, 2 POWER3 200  ?  ? 1999-09-01 2000-06-30
POWER3 Thin POWER3-II 375  ?  ? 2000-02-07 2003-04-08
POWER3 Thin 450  ?  ? 2002-01-22
POWER3 Wide 1, 2 POWER3 200  ?  ? 1999-02-01 2000-06-30
POWER3 Wide 2, 4 POWER3-II 375  ?  ? 2000-02-07 2003-04-08
POWER3 Wide 2, 4 450  ?  ? 2002-01-22

See also

External links

Architecture overview